Monday, September 29, 2008

Reflective Synthesis - Learning in the Digital Age

This article combined how learning in a digital age has changed some of the social nature of learning comnunities (i.e., colleges and universities). Knowledge has two dimesnions: explicit (facts, data) and tacit (know how). Practice (learning by doing) helps develop skills and that is what a learning community at a university should promote. This communities should be gaining knowledge from every form of electrical and digital resource available. The author discusses the shift from textual information to digital information. Technology will enhance student learning. He discusses several types of technology being used by universities.

There is a strong tie to constructivism in this article since the 21st century student has been encouaged to be creative in making new connections and assertions in their learning. The author further believes that a balance between time on campus and time online should be maintained. Video conferencing allows for a social context for learning and textbooks can become interactive electronic media with some work. Students cold have more access to scholarly individuals and practices. The structure of learning would change or be expanded. Universities could draw on cultural institutions (libraries, museums, corporations and governments) to foster lifelong learning needs. University professors could act as mentors to graduate and doctoral students. Higher education needs to resahpe its architecture to move teaching and learning into the digital age.

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